How to quickly increase the potential of men at home? To do this, you can see a doctor, or you can use the help of non-prescription drugs and try to increase sexual activity using a variety of means that are not unfamiliar to many people.
Male strength is influenced by several factors, from stress to diseases of the nervous system and hematopoietic system. So, how to solve the problem and how to restore the existing potential quickly without the help of drugs?
General recommendations
Ways to increase potential:
- Stop drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. Nicotine and alcohol negatively affect blood flow to the reproductive organs, causing vasoconstriction and increased general toxicity of the body.
- Follow sports (physical activity increases blood flow to tissues and organs, which significantly strengthens erections).
- Follow dietary rules (do not eat fatty and fried foods, monitor the number of calories consumed).
Who is at risk:
- obese people (being overweight has a negative effect on a person),
- age (over time, the potential decreases and this is considered normal),
- diseases of the nervous system and hematopoietic system (as a result of the disease, there is a violation of blood flow to the pelvic organs, problems with erection appear).

To avoid various complications, you need to monitor the condition of the body, lead a proper lifestyle, take vitamins and exercise. This will be enough to stay in effect for many years. But if a problem with the potential has arisen, then you can try to improve it by various methods.
Herbs for men
To increase the potential, you need to use the help of plants and useful ingredients that can be prepared at home. A man is recommended to use decoctions of the following plants:
- Oregano (useful for the stronger sex, as it affects the functioning of the reproductive system as a whole).
- Thyme (helps normalize blood circulation, helps in case of diseases of the reproductive system, which can lead to impotence).
- St. John's wort (the plant is considered a powerful antioxidant and natural antidepressant).
This "cocktail" of ingredients will help increase cravings. But don’t just rely on herbal remedies, as there are other medications that can help in the treatment of impotence.
How to diversify your diet
It is necessary to include aphrodisiacs in food - these are substances of natural origin that have a positive effect on the male body.
Aphrodisiacs, list:
- oyster
- avocado,
- celery,
- nuts,
- greens (dill, parsley),
- red and white wine (moderately).

Oysters and other seafood have a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system, they are rich in natural substances that increase libido. Trace elements found in shellfish help to overcome the problem, "saturating" the body with useful substances. It is best to eat oysters 2 times a week, regularly.
Avocado is a must -eat fruit for men. Avocados are rich in oils and healthy components that are easily absorbed and normalize the function of the whole body.
Celery is a major vegetable for men’s health; the juice of this plant and its shoots are useful. You can add celery root (it contains the most useful ingredients), the root can be grated and added to salads or drink the juice of this plant.
Any nuts are useful, you can combine them with honey or milk, but there are "medicines" that are recommended in the morning, in small amounts (so that weight does not increase). Nuts should be present in the daily diet, nuts are suitable for dried fruit.
Greens like parsley and dill will certainly decorate a dish, but if you drink the juice from this ingredient every day, diluting the resulting drink with the juice of carrots, beets or other vegetables, you will get an effective stimulant for potency.
Dill, parsley and celery go well with ginseng, which is also good for men.
In moderate amounts, alcohol thins the blood and increases the flow of nutrients and vitamins to various organs. Alcohol increases blood pressure, but affects blood vessels roughly. For this reason, it is recommended to be careful with alcohol, drinking it in small amounts, otherwise the opposite effect may occur.
Contrast procedure
To increase potency in a natural way, you need to use a contrast procedure. This increases blood flow to the organs, as the tissues receive adequate amounts of oxygen and nutrients.

This can be done in the following ways:
- Pour the liquid into 2 containers with different temperatures (one warm, the other cold).
- Lower the penis into each container in turn.
The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, each time you immerse yourself in cold and hot water, it is necessary to add the number of minutes the organ arrives in each container.
A bathing procedure with a laurel or laurel bath will also help normalize the condition of the body and increase potency.
How the procedure is performed:
- a decoction of some laurel leaves is prepared in advance,
- after providing a bath with warm water,
- a decoction of laurel leaves is poured into the bath and taken from 10 to 15 minutes,
- after the procedure, we rub the body with hands or towels.
Massage is very effective, you can do your own massage, rubbing the buttocks, lower back and pubis with your hands, making circular movements.
You can also warm your feet, dip them in hot water, then put on socks, rub your feet, slowly rising from your knees and hips.
Ginseng color for men
This medicine can be purchased at network pharmacies. Ginseng tincture is taken in the long run, you can combine it with various drinks (which do not contain alcohol).
Tingtur is taken gradually, if a meeting with a girl is planned, then you can also take the tingtur again to increase sexual desire for women.
Exercise for an erection
There are some physical exercises that will help increase potency, you can do them at home:
- Sit on a chair, take the chair with your hands and lift your back, while tensing the muscles of your back and lower back.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and place straight in front of you, place your hands along your body, lift the pelvis and lower, staying in the air for a few minutes.
- Squat, legs shoulder -width apart, descending incompletely, correcting position for 30 seconds.
- Jogging in the morning. Morning jogging helps eliminate not only problems with potency, but also from chronic fatigue syndrome, which can lead to problems with erections.
Vitamins for men
You can also improve your health with the help of vitamins. They are happy to go to the pharmacy and have nothing to do with addictive drugs.
What vitamins can help men:
- Zinc - this trace element is successfully used for metabolic disorders in the body. Zinc helps in the renewal of male germ cells and enhances regenerative processes in the body.
- Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the body from aging. Promotes body renewal and increases cell metabolism.
- Vitamin B - stimulates the activity of the immune system, it is beneficial to the nervous system and increases brain activity.
- Selenium is a mineral necessary for the male reproductive system, it is actively used in the process of spermatogenesis.
- Vitamin A - this substance is also called beta -carotene, it participates in metabolic processes, helps normalize the state of the body, and participates in the process of sperm formation.

For the normal functioning of the male reproductive system, an integrated approach to problem solving is required.It is best to not only take vitamins, but also eat properly, go in for sports.
Sexual desire and erectile function are directly related to the amount of testosterone in the male body. This hormone deficiency causes a decrease in sexual potential, desire and ability.
Potential decline can be observed at any age, but in most cases, such problems can be easily fixed. If you see a doctor on time, change your lifestyle, you can get good results in combating this problem.
But there is no need to wait for the results a few days after the start of "treatment". This nature therapy has its own characteristics, it runs in the long run and is cumulative in nature, i. e. the effect will appear in a few months.